Unveil the fascinating Deroplatys lobata, commonly known as the Dead Leaf Mantis, a mesmerizing mantid species indigenous to the lush environments of Malaysia.
Discover the alluring charm of the yellow variant of Heteropteryx dilatata, a captivating deviation within the Malaysian Stick Insect species, also admired as the Jungle Nymph.
Journey into the vibrant biodiversity of Java with Lanternfly sp.1, a fascinating and enigmatic species that captivates with its distinctive appearance and ecological significance.
Venture into the mystique of Malaysia's rainforests with the female Necroscia annulipes, a striking stick insect species that embodies both elegance and adaptability.
Venture into the mystique of Malaysia's rainforests with the Male Necroscia annulipes, a striking stick insect species that embodies both elegance and adaptability.
If you’re ‘sticking around’, these masters of disguise will ‘leaf’ you in awe!